Proof #12 - See the magic When you look at different religions, they usually contain "magic." For example:
The presence of "magic" is a clear marker for "imaginary." For example, how do we know that Santa is imaginary? Because (among other things) he has eight magical flying reindeer. How do we know that Jack and the Beanstalk is a fairy tale? Because (among other things) the story contains magical seeds. In the same way, how do we know that God is make believe? Because God is surrounded by magic. According to believers, God is an all-powerful being who has the divine, magical power to do anything. How do we know that this belief is a fairy tale? One way to know is to try to invoke God's magical power. For example, as described in Proof #1, the Bible tells us in many places that God answers prayers. However, whenever we try to pray, we notice that nothing happens (See Proof #1 and Proof #2). That tells us that God is completely imaginary. The magical powers ascribed to him are a fairy tale. Another way to know is to read the stories of magical events in the Bible. There is the magical flood, yet we know with certainty that the flood never happened. There are the magical miracles of Jesus, but (predictably) none of these miracles left behind any tangible evidence (see Proof #14). There is the magical resurrection, yet there is zero evidence that it ever occured and no reason to believe it (See Proof #15). God is identical to Leprechauns, mermaids and Santa. God is a magical fairy tale creature. The magic surrounding God tells us that God is imaginary.
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